29 August 2007

Nevada State Fair

The Nevada State Fair was held last week. I didn't have anything entered, I wanted to but time got away from me. (WORK) However two people I know did enter. Miss Caroline the supreme sock knitter mentioned in the last post entered some socks...and won a blue ribbon! (First place in the category) YEAH CAROLINE! Have not seen her yet though to congratulate her.

My friend Kathy entered a sewing project and a knitted bag. She won blue ribbons for both. Honey and I went with her to see if she had gotten a ribbon. This was the first time she had ever entered anything and was kind of nervous. When we got to the fair she kept procrastinating about going to the exhibit hall and seeing if she had gotten anything. I finally had to drag her. She entered a sewn sculpture piece...the category was toy...but its way more then a toy. It is a sculpture of a Dragon which she calls Starlight. The other item is a knitted bag that she named Vikkie's Dharma with Bells. (its my belated bday gift) She was soooooo excited. Couldn't stop squeeling LOL..yup she did. I was so excited for her. I have won a couple of ribbons at the Fair in prior years for paintings so I know exactly how she felt. Here is her happy face next to her pieces on display:

The bag is the bigger stripped one.

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