04 July 2007

Not Selling or Spamming

I think that I need to make a clarification about yesterday's posts on my artwork. My purpose was not to put them up as a "selling" trick...and I didn't send out the email that I did as "spam" to sell something. I was truly seeking to share my artwork thats it. I am very sorry if my email and my posts came across as spam or my trying to push something, that was not my intention at all. It was about sharing and nothing more. Truthfully. None of the artwork is for sale and if it were I wouldn't push it on anyone in this manner. I should have been clearer and I feel badly that it came across that way. Spam and spamming is annoying and I did not think that it would come across as such. I apologize that it has.

It took A LOT for me to put up my artwork. Can't really explain why it did but it did. So I am sorry that it was or is taken poorly and that the means I chose to share came out negatively.

One more time I apologize.

Happy 4th to all.


Devorah said...

Don't apologize for the misinterpretations of a few small minded but big "mouthed" people. I think most of us saw it for what it was, a way to be proud of yourself and your work! I even saw a link on someone else's blog bragging about your wonderful artwork.

Be Proud. Stand tall. You did nothing wrong.

Anonymous said...

Just an FYI sister.... this is your blog. YOU PUT UP WHAT YOU WANT. The paintings are great.

Jen said...

It doesn't seem like you are pushing anything, just (rightfully) proud of creating something beautiful. Do these same people think all of your knit FOs are for sale?

Anonymous said...

You know what I have to say to that, F*@!% 'em. Tee hee.

Love ya honey. Delicia

Cindy/Snid said...

(Man, I am behind on my blog reading! 12 posts from you?!) Frankly, I enjoyed seeing your artwork! This blog is YOUR creative page and if you work in several mediums, then- there ya go! And I must say, your artwork is exactly as I would have pictured it! Beautiful, bright and vibrant. Awesome. Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

You don't need to apologize! I think most of us could see you just wanted comments and opinions to help you on this path.

SheepsPyjamas said...

Another late comment as I catch up -- I didn't interpret your posts as anything intrusive at all, and even if I did, you have the right to post whatever you want on your blog -- it's your "room"!

Anyway, the comment I do want to make re the art itself -- I am totally in awe! You're drawing, artwork, is quite skilled, quite talented and I'd absolutely love to see more....