15 June 2007

New Online Knit Mags

I have come across some new online knit mags (well might be new to me lol).

iTheAntiCraft: Is mostly knitting patterns but has other types of crafts with unusual themes and names for the projects. I really like it alot!

Tejemanejes: An online knitting magazine in SPANISH! It just came online. I found out about it on the Raverly forums. The patterns are high quality and the page setup is top notch. Nicely done for its first issue. Some of the non-spanish speaking commentors on the forum said that it translated nicely so even if you do not speak Spanish you can avail yourself of the patterns. On a personal note I speak and read spanish fluently (or at least I thought I did) but evidently I need to open up my dictionary because I didn't really understand the patterns' spanish knitting terms. lol...first time I have read a pattern in spanish so I am not familiar with the terms in spanish. Funny.

Knitters Review: This one has been around awhile but for some reason I just recently came across it. Duh...where the hell have I been? lol

Black Purl Magazine: Shares knitting and stories. I like because its not typical. I like the unique.

Knitting Daily: Set up by Interweave Press. Its brand new, but so far I think its pretty nice. I have even made one of their patterns (Amanda's Squatty Sidekick Bag).

The Daily Knitter: They advertise that they have more than 1000 free patterns. They don't really have the free patterns but rather they link TO free patterns.

The Knitting Garden: Nicely setup and organized.

YARN Magazine: A knitting magazine from Australia.

There are lots more, such as Knitty but I only mentioned a few of the ones that are not as well known. If you google "free online knitting magazine" you can find all sorts of links. What I like about the lesser known mags is that you can find patterns that not everyone is knitting and there are some hidden gems out there if you look!


Devorah said...

Thanks for the great links! The Spanish one is going on my work computer for my bilingual students.

Barbara C. said...

Thank you. Great sites
Barbara C.