09 June 2007


Ok...FIRST: OMF-ingG! Ravelry has to be one of the most fantastic ideas to come to the internet that I have come across in a long long time. If you have not heard about it or come across it somewhere in blogland...THEN WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN? LOL....

It is fantastic, they are still in beta testing because they are adding things and improving things and just opened up in May 2007. But I have to tell you I have been a beta tester for many geeky type things over the years...and if this site is still in beta test I cannot imagine what it will be like when its full fledged!

What is it? Well it is a database, organizing tool and network for fiber artists, designers and hobbiests. It is the best pattern, yarn and project organizer I have ever seen. I would challenge you to find something better. Seriously! It is simple to use, verstile...and get this...FREE! You have got to see it for yourself. There is a tour of it here. The tour does not come close to showing you all that the site has to offer.

Since they are still beta testing, joining is by invite for now. But all you have to do to get an invite is put your name on the list and you will get an invite. It takes awhile to get because of the HUGE response they got. They are doing things right...doing it little by little so the site doesn't crash and so it will work as advertise. They are two young people who had an idea and the talent to put it together. They aren't charging for it and want it to be as great as they invision it. Here you can find a detailed letter that explains how and why they are doing things the way they are.

So go put your name on the list! When you do my id on there is Yarnatic...come play yarn with me!

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